Proxmox uses KVM as the Virtualisation package and it is the same KVM that you can run on any Linux machine.

Download a package called "Proxmox VE" and install it on the box. If you have an old pc you can use, I am going to suggest another option. Also, any recommendations on how to convert an existing Win XP machine and what tools I would use with VMWare versus VirtualBox versus other virtual machine programs? Will it work and automatically be able to connect out to the network without any issues? Thanks for any help you can provide in advance, regarding which if any version of VMWare I should use, if the FREE one is sufficient for my needs, or if you recommend something else like VirtualBox. My legacy app on WinXP requires connection to a server. Do I just copy this image over to my Ubuntu system and run it in the VMPlayer and that's it? 3. vCenter Converter apparently lets me make a disk image of the WinXP machine to a hard drive. My Ubuntu system has VirtualBox already on it, should I use that instead? 2.

VMWare - should I use the player, or workstation? Does the free option work? Do I need to pay? - I need to know which version to install on my system which has Ubuntu 16.04. Can anyone tell me if this is a good approach and what you have found works better or worse? 1. I have an old Win XP machine running at the office with legacy software and wanted to "virtualize" it so that I can migrate it to any new hardware over time to run on an Ubuntu system, make easy backups, etc.